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How to Order

STEP 1: Create an account 登入/加入會員
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You have to either sign up an account or using Facebook's account to log in for your first time purchase


STEP 2 : Add product to cart將商品加入購物車
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Please do have a read on the product descriptions before adding to cart


STEP 3 : Review and Finalise Checking Out 確認訂單內容

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Click on the "Cart" icon right above the page. The cart box will be popping up and then proceed to click on the "View Cart" button. Next you will be leading to the Order Summary page. Please be sure to confirm adding the correct items, quantity and delivery methods. Please kindly noted that delivery charges may vary depending on the delivery address of your address


STEP 4 : Receive Order Confirmation 收到訂單成立通知信件

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After you have checked out your items. You will soon receiving an order confirmation via email and WhatsApp as provided. Please note that this is not an acceptance of your order, but a confirmation that it has been received only. If you’ve received your order confirmation and have any concerns, please contact us and we will be happy to help you make modifications


STEP 5: Proceed to Make Payment 前往付款

Kindly proceed with the payment via your bank to the below bank account. After you've made the transfer, please update us by provide the bank receipt through WhatsApp. Your order will only be proceeded or delivered after full payment is received


  • Account Name: PANG YOUR SIM

  • Account number: 1060 9880 1104

  • Bank Name: MAYBANK

STEP 6: Processing Order 收取貨件

Your payment has been approved and your order will be packed and prepared for either deliver or in-store pick up shortly

Payment Method 


(1) Once your order has been placed an order confirmation will be sent to both email address and mobile phone provided at checkout. The order confirmation acts as an invoice and includes all relevant details


❈Each cuts of pork may have slight weight variable at times. There may be a minimal of  plus or minus cost to the total amount. Kindly note that the total amount shown on the cart may not exactly accurate as price will be based on the actual weight.


(2) Kindly Proceed with payment via Bank Transfer:


  • Account Name: PANG YOUR SIM

  • Account number: 1060 9880 1104

  • Bank Name: MAYBANK

❈Once payment is made, please do share the bank receipt to us either via Whastapp or email to verify and confirm order.


(3) You will then received the final confirmation notification of your successful payment. Kindly note receipt of full payment and complete, accurate order details must be received before we start processing your order

​付款經核實成功後, 訂單人員將立即為您處理訂單以備出貨。未完成的付款,請恕將一律視為廢棄的訂單

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